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Samphire Hoe (29/03/2013)

Well it was snowing when I got there at 9am and I was in the water by 9:20… To keep this short, it was very windy, very cold, snowing and blowing, cormorants migrating in big flocks, and very few bites, resulting in… Nada, nuffin, nil Was nice to be out, I was casting out and […]

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Samphire Hoe – 03/07/2012

I set off from home at 6AM, got to Brazil’s to get my bait at 6:25 and was in the car park at Samphire at 6:45. Once I was all set up and cast out it was 7:15. I was using common lug, black lug and ragworm for my baits. On the first cast I […]

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First Session at Samphire Hoe

After chatting to JW in the week we were headed for Samphire Hoe. I have never been there before but had read the posts about massive tackle loss, rotten bottom etc etc. JW arrived at mine around 12 and we drove to our destination, parked up and picked a spot to the left of the […]

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